Q&A: Elizabeth Endicott

Elizabeth Endicott is a writer and multi-disciplinary artist based in Denver. Her work has appeared in a number of publications including The New York Times, LA Times, Scientific American, The Guardian, ELLE, and many more. You can find her on Instagram @weirdbirds.

What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
My best writing advice came from my therapist: vulnerability is strength. I find that my writing is best when it’s scratching closest to the tender bits.

How have you found writing community among Colorado creatives?
Colorado writers are so generous and lovely and I’m thrilled every time I meet another one. There’s a real camaraderie here that’s only bolstered by Reading Den.

What do you love about living in Colorado?
After growing up in Maine, I spent much of my twenties in Montana and Antarctica, and thought that Colorado would be a brief stay. But April marked a decade of living here, and I don’t have plans to leave anytime soon. Denver is such a neighborhood city, with endless opportunities for art, food, music, nature—all the good stuff! I really love it here.

What are you reading right now?
I just finished All Fours by Miranda July and can’t stop talking about it with anyone who will listen. Her irreverent way of seeing the world, her insistence on centering pleasure, and her ability to subvert expectations are all just phenomenal.

What will you be reading at the event and what is meaningful about this selection?
No promises, but I think I might read a short story, a form that’s very much outside of my wheelhouse! Writing it has felt like play, which I think is always a good sign. It will be the first time I’ve read any work in front of people, so I’m [cough-terrified-cough] very excited!

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